Events and News

Freeman Hrabowski: Advocate for Mathematics and STEM Visionary Notices of the American Mathematical Society. September 2024

I had my white colleagues walk in a Black student’s shoes for a day Nature. May 28, 2024

Not Alone - Interview with Rafael Bras: Transforming UMBC into a STEM University May 28, 2024

C-SPAN Q & A: Freeman Hrabowski May 1, 2024

How mathematician Freeman Hrabowski opened doors for Black scientists Nature Podcast Extra. May 2024

Answering the Call Inside Higher Education. March 19, 2024

The lesson in love and what a mother taught her wronged son Deseret News. March 4, 2024

The Resilient University: How Purpose and Inclusion Drive Student Success NACUBO In Brief Podcast. March 1, 2024

Longtime University President’s Legacy: A Diverse New Generation in STEM The New York Times.  August, 2, 2022

Institute pledges $1.5 billion to support scientists of color The Washington Post. May 26, 2022

EdSurge Podcast: We Know How to Diversify STEM Fields. The Challenge Is Spreading What Works. (July, 2021)

President Hrabowski talks with Karin Chenoweth on The Education Trust’s Extraordinary Districts podcast (January, 2021)

President Hrabowski talks with Alan Alda on the Science Clear and Vivid podcast (October, 2020)

Freeman Hrabowski: Educating with Grit,” Larger Than Yourself podcast (October, 2020)

“Q&A: How Do We Increase Diversity in STEM? Meyerhoff Program Provides a Model,” Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (September, 2020)

“UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski Says Having ‘Honest Conversations’ Is Key To Addressing Structural Racism,” on WJZ (July, 2020)

“Empowering the Next Generation through Higher Education,” the Urban Institute’s Critical Value podcast (April, 2020)

“UMBC President Advocates for Inclusive Excellence in Science,” NIH Record (January, 2019)

President Hrabowski Talks Higher Education’s Potential, About Campus (December, 2018)

President Hrabowski delivers Hatfield lecture at Oregon Health and Science University (April, 2018)

“Cinderella story? It’s true for UMBC in academics, too,” New York Times (March, 2018)

“Growing faculty diversity is a shared responsibility of critical importance,” Evolllution (October, 2017)

“Freeman A. Hrabowski III on the Value of Resilience,” New York Times (May, 2017)

President Hrabowski talks about education, civil rights, and Baltimore on WYPR’s Midday (April, 2017)

Increasing diversity in the sciences through the Meyerhoff Scholars Program,” Gov Innovator podcast (February, 2016)

President Hrabowski talks about the future of higher ed and about UMBC’s 50th on Maryland Public Television (February, 2016)

Stem-powered equity in higher ed,” University Business (February, 2016)

Reviews of President Hrabowski’s book Holding Fast to Dreams 

President Hrabowski talks about inclusiveness and STEM achievement on Comcast Newsmakers (October, 2015)

“How Freeman Hrabowski transformed UMBC into an innovation hub and national education powerhouse,” SmartCEO, (May, 2015)

“In wake of riots, ‘we will be stronger,’ Hrabowski says” The Daily Record, (April 29, 2015)

Pres. Hrabowski talks about the importance of supporting all students on The Marc Steiner Show, (February 18, 2015)

“Education holds key to making MLK dream a reality, official says,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (January, 2015)

“TIME Magazine ‘most influential’ person Freeman Hrabowski is keynote speaker for MLK event at Saginaw Valley State,” (December, 2014)

Interview with Tavis Smiley, PBS (December, 2014)

Pres. Hrabowski participates in White House panel discussion on innovation in higher education (December, 2014) 

“UMBC’s Hrabowski challenges Howard parents to lay educational foundation at home,” Baltimore Sun (October, 2014)

“Look in the Mirror to Improve Higher Ed for First-Generation Students,” Evolllution (August, 2014)

Interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, “What it takes to help students succeed” (July, 2014)

“Diversity, Access, and the American Dream,” AGB Trusteeship Magazine (May/June, 2014)

“Innovation and the Changing Culture of Higher Education,” Evolllution (May, 2014)

Interview with President Hrabowski, Student Housing Matters (5/5/14)

Pres. Hrabowski and UMBC students speak at U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference (4/23/14)

President Hrabowski Discusses Workforce Competitiveness on NBC News’ Education Nation (10/8/13)

“UMBC Carving a Singular Niche in Cyber, STEM Education” – Q&A in the Baltimore Business Journal (9/27/13)

“Ideas for Improving Science Education” in the NY Times (9/2/13)

“Oral Histories: Freeman Hrabowski,” C-Span’s American History TV

President Hrabowski and HHMI Investigator Mike Summers in iBioMagazine video

2012 Heinz Award Announcement in The Washington Post (9/17/12)

President Hrabowski in The Washington Post (9/1/12)

President Hrabowski Discusses the Importance of a Liberal Arts Education on NPR’s Tell Me More (6/6/12)

Math, Science Education in the Spotlight: President Hrabowski in the Buffalo Law Journal (6/11/12)

President Hrabowski Named to TIME Magazine’s List of the World’s 100 Most Influential People (4/18/12)

Editorial in the Washington Post (4/9/12)

“The Secret to Freeman Hrabowski’s Success,” Daily Kos (3/21/12)

Five universities that really are up-and-comers in the Washington Post (3/21/12)

Freeman Hrabowski in the Washington Post (3/20/12)

Freeman Hrabowski in Prism Magazine (3/2012)

President Hrabowski in The New York Times (3/1/2012)

Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC (1/27/12)

“Freeman Hrabowski on Job Creation” on WBAL (12/9/11)

“Greatest Stories Never Told” video (12/7/11)

News Coverage from White House Meeting on Higher Education (12/5/11)

Talk of the Nation (12/5/11)

60 Minutes (11/13/11)

WBAL Editorial on President Hrabowski and Academic Leadership

Washington Post Names President Hrabowski a Top American Leader (11/29/11)

President Hrabowski in Diverse Issues in Higher Education (pdf) (11/13/11)

President Hrabowski in the Chronicle of Higher Education (7/11) 

President Hrabowski, and Anthony Johnson and Elaine Lalanne of CASPR, in Physics Today(3/11) 

President Hrabowski in the Baltimore Sun (3/7/11) 

President Hrabowski in the Washington Post (2/21/11) 

President Hrabowski and Provost Hirshman in the Chronicle of Higher Education (1/16/11) 

President Hrabowski in Science (1/14/11)

President Hrabowski in Roll Call (12/14/10) 

President Hrabowski on Midday with Dan Rodericks, WYPR (12/9/10) 

President Hrabowski in Educause Review (November/December 2010)

President Freeman Hrabowski in Inside Higher Education (11/8/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski and Richard Forno, Cybersecurity programs, in the Gazette of Politics and Business (11/5/10) 

President Freeman Hrabowski on C-SPAN: The College Board Forum on College Completion (10/28/10)

President Hrabowski in the Chronicle of Higher Education (10/10/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski in Diverse Issues in Higher Ed (10/1/10)

President Hrabowski in Science (10/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski on NAEYC Radio (10/27/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski and Richard Forno, Cybersecurity programs, in the Gazette of Politics and Business (11/5/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski Speaks to the U.S. Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (11/4/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski on C-SPAN: The College Board Forum on College Completion (10/28/10) (Archive not available)

President Freeman Hrabowski on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports (10/1/10)

President Hrabowski on WYPR’s Maryland Morning (9/28/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski on NPR’s Tell Me More (9/15/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski on MPT’s Direct Connection (8/23/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski in Black Enterprise (8/24/10)

President Freeman Hrabowski in U.S. News and World Report (pdf) (8/10)

President Hrabowski on National Press Club Panel, on C-SPAN

President Hrabowski Discusses Data to Improve Teaching in the Chronicle of Higher Education (5/11/10)

President Hrabowski in U.S. Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine(Fall/Winter 2009)

President Hrabowski on the Today Show (9/09)

President Hrabowski in Diversity in Philanthropy (2008)

President Hrabowski in the Chronicle of Higher Education, (6/1/07) 

President Hrabowski in the Washington Post, (5/30/07)

President Hrabowski on the Tavis Smiley Show, (5/18/07)

President Hrabowski on Cover of The Presidency, (5/07) (link not available)

President Hrabowski in KnowHow2Go Public Service Announcement (2/07) (link not available)

President Hrabowski in the Indianapolis Star (1/14/07) (link not available)

President Hrabowski in Baltimore Magazine – September 2006, “DiverCity: Expanding Horizons,” pp. 158-163. (link not available)

President Hrabowski on PBS “Charlie Rose” Show (6/7/06)

President Hrabowski Interviewed by “Kids of America” (3/14/05)

President Hrabowski on “The Today Show” (8/02)

Hrabowski discusses changes to the SAT on PBS’ “Newshour with Jim Lehrer (video) (7/02) (video not available)

Fast Company magazine profile of Dr. Hrabowski (3/31/02)

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